Introduction to Machine Learning

Machine Learning

6 Modules

Introduction to Machine Learning
5 Lessons
Introduction to ML
Types of Machine Learning
Issues in Machine Learning
Application of machine learning
Steps in developing machine learning
Introduction to Neural Network
4 Lessons
Introduction to Neural Networks
Evolution of neural network
Biological Neural Network
McCulloch Pitts Neuron Model
Introduction to Optimisation Techniques
4 Lessons
Steepest Descent Method
Newton's Method
Random Search Algorithm
Hill Climbing Algorithm
Learning with Regression and trees
6 Lessons
Linear Regression
Logistic Regression
Decision Tree Algorithm Pt 1
Decision Tree Algorithm Pt 2
Gini Index and Entropy
Classification and Regression Trees
Learning with Classifications and clustering
8 Lessons
Rule-based Classifier
Bayesian Theorem
Hidden Markov Model
Support Vector Machine (SVM) Pt 1
Support Vector Machine (SVM) Pt 2
The Kernel Trick in Support Vector Machine
Supervised Learning after Clustering
Radial Basis Functions
Dimensionally Reduction
4 Lessons
Dimensionality reduction Methods
Singular Value Decomposition
Independent Components Analysis
Basics Of Principal Component Analysis